At times, we wish we could have a genuinely Mexican meal without having to leave our homes. We might also want to make our food more culturally diverse. A Mexican dish may transport you across the border even if you are only in your kitchen. Here are some suggestions for improving the taste and authenticity of Mexican cuisine.
Use traditional Mexican herbs (like epazote) in beans, soups, and other foods.
Regarding Mexican herbs, coriander (cilantro) is the tip of the iceberg. As our professional chef at Milwalky Taco advises, you can use some interesting and unusual spices to elevate your Mexican food to a new level. Epazote is the one you should concentrate on mastering.
Black beans (such as frijoles refitos or frijoles de la olla) are frequently prepared using the wild, pungent plant epazote. You may need time to get used to the taste because it is so distinctive, but once you do, you won’t be able to eat beans without it. For instance, frijoles aren’t the same without epazote.
Utilize chilies for flavor, not only for the heat.
It’s a widespread misperception that Mexican food is always spicy, just like Mexican salsas. Chilies are a staple in almost all Mexican dishes, but their primary purpose is adding flavor rather than heat. Every professional Mexican chef has a supply of dried chilies in the pantry and a few fresh ones growing in the backyard.
Using chilies in marinades, salsas, soups, moles, and other dishes is crucial for achieving Mexican cuisine’s distinct, authentic flavors. Beyond the standard jalapeno, we strongly advise experimenting with various chilies. Nevertheless, the jalapeno is delicious!
Mexico is home to hundreds of different types of chilies, which produce countless flavor combinations in numerous recipes. The variety can be confusing, so always add Chipotle if you are unsure.
Use queso Oaxaca and other premium fresh cheeses to celebrate Mexican cheeses.
Gooey, processed, yellow, or orange cheese has come to be associated with Mexican cuisine outside of Mexico. Although this isn’t authentic Mexican food, Mexican cheeses are some of the best you’ll ever consume. Instead of “liquid cheese,” you may choose from mouthwatering, natural, fresh cheeses, including panela, requesón, and queso Oaxaca. You may not be able to get some of these outside of Mexico, but you can still locate natural alternatives. For instance, the most incredible option for queso Oaxaca is the Italian cheese Treccia.
Use the right onions or soak them first to lessen the bitterness.
You may notice that Mexicans utilize onions a lot. You can find them virtually everywhere, including salsas, marinades, sliced on top of enchiladas, and just eaten whole off the grill. However, onions in Mexico differ slightly from onions in other parts of the world. So you must understand what kind of onion to use if you want your Mexican dish to be perfect. A Mexican dish typically calls for raw white onion as a garnish for tacos, flautas, or enchiladas.
The takeaway
Ensure you find authentic Mexican herbs to achieve the Mexican cuisine flavor in your dishes.